October 15, 2008

My headache has a first name, it's S-I-L-A-S...

Just kidding...but every time the weather starts to get bad, I get a headache. It lasts until the front passes through. I realize that I am starting to sound like my grandfather talking about his knees predicting rain, but I am serious. The rain is pouring outside (like "gathering wood for an ark" pouring) and my head is killing me. I'm on to sing tonight so I have to find a solution. If any of you have this same problem, would you let me know how you solve it? I am not opposed to strange suggestions and I have no problem taking pills.

1 comment:

LePage Family said...

Take 10 teaspoons of cayenne pepper in a glass of water. When the cayenne hits the stomach lining, endorphins will be released by the brain to stop the pain. I PROMISE it works for me everytime! With any luck, I will see ya tonight :)