September 25, 2008

The 3rd child

When I only had one child, I used to say things like:
"That is your 30 minutes of TV for this morning, let's do an art project" or "Let's clean up this mess before we get anything else out" or "We need to wipe off your face before we go out for our errands" or "What kind of a mother lets her toddler dig a giant box of candy out of her purse at 9:00 a.m. and eat it as they walk around Wal-Mart?"
Now that I have three, I say things like:
"Has anyone seen Abigail?" and "What is this wet spot in the living room?" and "Whatever your name is..." and "Where is that giant box of candy...Oh, here you go Abby".

1 comment:

Trisha said...

Amen! Every so often I recall those first-time mom idealistic standards--no sugar, specific daily naptimes, no TV. It makes me laugh and cringe at the state of our lives today! May the Lord be merciful on us and all those precious kids!