September 20, 2008

Hurricane Ike

Once again, a hurricane has hit Beaumont and the Texas gulf coast. Three years ago, Hurricane Rita hit Beaumont just 10 days after Katrina hit New Orleans. Not much attention was paid to the damage in Texas but it was substantial. This time, the damage was catastrophic. Galveston was completely wiped off the map...High Island, Bolivar Penninsula and Crystal Beach are all gone! The infrastructure of Beaumont is in shambles - all water must be boiled before consumption, the sewer plant is being run on generators, 50% of residents do not have power. Even when the mandatory evacuation was lifted today, the county judge asked residents to be aware that the town to which they are returning is not the same one they left.

My grandparents have been here for a few days. They came here after spending a week in Arkansas with other relatives. They are anxious to return but cannot go back until they are sure there is adequate food, water and medical care. While it is always hard to be displaced, it is so much worse when you are 85 years old. The kids have been entertaining us while we are all together....Abigail dances, Emma does gymnastics and Silas covers his body in Spider-Man tattoos....

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