September 7, 2008

Sunday "in the park"

Abby loves to climb in the van
Abby and Emma use the back of the van as a "clubhouse"
Silas - hanging around
There are two things my kids love to do when we head outside. They love to play in the "common area" - a grassy part of our neighborhood that is not used by any of our neighbors so it is just like a private park for the kids and they love to climb around in the vans. I don't let them crawl around in my van because they are constantly getting into my stuff (change, lipstick, papers) but Jeff lets them loose in his van to play. Truth be told it may be more about the cleanliness of each van ...

1 comment:

Trisha said...

What is it about cars? My kids love to play inside our Suburban, especially Olivia. Your kids are sure cute!