We bought a Wii for Christmas and Silas is the self-appointed "Wii King" in our house. He has basically mastered Mario Kart and has now moved onto Legos Star Wars. Un-restricted, he would play from dawn to dusk. He really is better than any of us...his hand/eye coordination is incredible. He played with my brother when he was in town:

I have been working for Findlay Craft doing "document review for ongoing patent litigation" (I can't tell you any more because I signed a confidentiality agreement - and truly, do you really care?) So the mornings are busy...up at 6:00 - I do my workout DVD while Jeff showers, I shower and get dressed...7:00 - get the kids up, fed and ready to leave at 7:40 to drive car pool for Emma. Silas has speech therapy then we are off to Little People's to drop Silas and Abby. So, one morning while I was putting on my make-up, I noticed that Abby was not in the bathroom with me and I could not hear her (you know there's trouble when you can't hear them). I found her in the kitchen...she had come down with a nasty case of the "marker pox":

It has started to warm up here- finally we are able to get outside and play in the evenings. All three kids really like getting out in our neighborhood. Emma and Silas love to ride their bikes and Abby wanders looking for our few neighborhood pets. Tonight I happened to catch a beautiful sky behind all three kids:

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