Emma started 2nd grade today. She has Mr. Simms, who taught 5th grade last year at Rice. She came home today talking about how funny he is and how he likes to play games and make jokes. She had a fabulous, but rather serious, teacher last year so this will be a change. I'm thankful for varying opportunities and the chance to interact with lots of personalities. She knows a few of her classmates but is also going to have lots of new friends in the coming weeks. She has been asked to read at least 20 minutes each night as well as study her spelling, vocabulary and math. She will have a test each Friday. Emma desires perfection in herself and strives to be the best. She has a kind heart and loves to help others. She will bless many people...
Silas started Kindergarten today at Rice. He is in Ms. Jordan's class (the same K teacher Emma had). She is a wonderful woman who has spent 30+ years helping 5 year olds learn how to start and succeed at school. She is kind and loving; with a very structured classroom. I know from past experience that she is going to bless Silas this year. He will also have a little time outside the classroom at speech therapy. We expect he will start twice a week then reduce to once per week. He has made amazing progress in his speech and should be completely dismissed from the special education program by Christmas. Silas is eager to learn and has a complex, intelligent mind. I can't wait to see what he becomes...
AbbyAbby is going to school at Little People's School again this year. She is in the purple room which is specifically for boys and girls who are almost three or just three. Most of her class is learning to use the potty; her teachers are very patient women. She will learn her numbers, colors and be introduced to the letters in the alphabet. She is also going to have a special (and new) class this year called "world wise" that will be 30 minutes every day. A wonderful Christian woman who spent lots of years in Africa as a missionary is teaching the kids about different cultures around the world using music, dance, food and art. How many 3 year olds get that type of exposure? Abby is a calm and gentle soul. She is almost always happy and is delighted to go along with whatever is happening. Even though she is still hard to understand, she can sing songs without missing even one note. She has music in her heart...